Congratulations to Xin and Jack, as well as Kolkowitz group alums Brett, Haoran, and Varun, on the publication of their paper “Differential clock comparisons with a multiplexed optical lattice clock” in Nature! You can read the entire published paper at this link (with no paywall or special access required):
To learn more about what we did in the paper, you can read our original post about it here:…ted-to-the-arxiv/.
Our results, as well as the results reported in a complementary (and very exciting) paper from our friends in the Ye group at JILA that was published back to back with our own, are also generating a bit of buzz! Here are a couple of choice links:
A Nature News and Views about both papers by Dr. Ksenia Khabarova.
The UW-Madison press release about our paper.
And the Ye group paper was even featured on the cover of this issue of Nature(!):